U-BAI // Board of Trustees + Private Companies of Urdaibai

The Urdaibai Board of Trustees, the local public administration and the companies in the region have joined forces to promote economic and social development by launching the U-BAI Garapena project.

It’s been months of debate, dynamics, and territorial strategy, but it’s been a great learning experience for all of us.

We were able to create and energise an entrepreneurial ecosystem with a clear goal in mind: to generate new entrepreneurial initiatives and to develop the entrepreneurial culture of the territory. The action plans have been divided into two categories:


_Dynamisation of the driving force

_Coordination and monitoring of strategic projects launched under the U-BAI Ekintzaile framework.

_Development of a programme to promote entrepreneurship in the classroom U-BAI Kids

_Representation of the ecosystem in other forums and events.

_Development of a directory/digital community that includes a menu of U-BAI Ekintzaile services for entrepreneurs and businesses.

_Support for content creation and management of the website, as well as digital content creation.

_Creation and dissemination of the activity report.


_Ideation and design of the programme

_Coordination and management of the activities for the event

_Implementation and dynamization of the event

_Creation and dissemination of the event’s report



